Work Wellness
Into Your Workday

Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness, Pilates and comprehensive workplace wellbeing programs;  we have spent 10 + years listening to our client’s needs in a fast changing world to create engaging sessions for everybody.

Whether you’re looking to boost morale, foster team cohesion, or promote a healthier work-life balance, our sessions and programs are crafted to address those goals with meaningful experiences that leave a lasting impact.

Onsite across Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Tasmania, New Zealand or online anywhere in the world.

Call Us Today: 1300 373 363

Onsite classes provide a holistic approach to employee well-being, addressing our 5 pillars of wellbeing: mental health, physical fitness, emotional well-being, social connection, and personal growth.  We create an inclusive and engaging environment for all and we come to your workplace, conference or team building day across Australia.

Discover the convenience of our online livestream classes and subscription access, bringing well-being right to your fingertips. Our extensive offerings include a variety of practices and engaging lunch & learn wellness sessions, ensuring accessibility and engagement for everyBODY, anytime and anywhere.

Classes provided online and onsite throughout Australia

Hiking & Yoga
at Spicers Canopy

Walk away feeling revitalised and rejuvenated after spending 3 unforgettable days in the breathtaking Scenic Rim.

Get In touch

Contact Us Today

For information about sessions & pricing.

“Good health IS good business”.

In this current world we are faced with changing work environments and uncertainty which can have an impact on anxiety and disconnection. Coupled with sitting too long, repetitive strain, technology overload and feelings of disconnection stress and anxiety is becoming a very real problem.

In fast paced and deadline driven environments; our wellness sessions provide one of the few times you can unplug from technology, free yourself from distractions and reboot your body and mind.

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Take care of your employees and they'll take care of your business...

Work Wellness into your Workday with wellbeing at work sessions for everyBODY.

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This calendar is updated on a 6 monthly basis to help you plan your workplace wellbeing days, come back when you’re ready for more!